Influencers To Be Taxed For Free Gifts And Experiences Asserts UAE Tax Authority

Social Media influencers are one of the most talked about people these days so much so much so that they are celebrities in their own right. The importance of Social Media influencers cannot be denied these days as almost all the goods and services are promoted on the social media these days.  This has brought them under the radar of the Federal Tax Authority.    At the time when VAT was introduced, influencers and artist were not considered themselves as if they were doing business Activities and opted to register for VAT and pay Tax on the earned revenue. But this Clarification from the Federal Tax Authority has now clarified all doubts and Malpractice in the mind of every one that they should get themselves registered for VAT and pay Tax. INFLUENCERS TO BE TAXED FOR FREE GIFTS AND EXPERIENCES ASSSERTS UAE TAX AUTHORITY The Federal Tax Authority recently issued a bulletin which states that any influencer earning more than Dh375, 000 annually must pay 5 per cent VAT and the freebies will be counted towards the total amount. The Federal Tax Authority has also clarified Valuation of Consideration received by influencers and Artist: Consideration in Cash: Value of Money received Consideration in Kind (Good, Gift): Market value of the Goods or Gift received Consideration in Cash as well as in Kind: Value of Money received Plus Market value of the Goods or Gift received. It may be pointed that the influencer could be evading the tax authorities by failing to declare free gifts and experiences. The services that are subject to the tax include any kind of promotional work, which includes plugging a product, company. Physical appearances and access to influencers’ networks on social media are also taxable. FTA further stated that the cost of any free product or an experience will also be taxable as per the new rule. This law can prove to be a game-changer and it could mean an end to the influencers accepting free gifts and expensive holidays which they receive in return for promoting on their social media accounts. The bulletin further states that if you are an influencer, or an artist as long as you are promoting and work and the other party is paying you for what you are doing, all these transactions will come under the preview of VAT.       VAT registration Dubai will become mandatory for every influencer once he reaches the threshold. Thus every influencer needs VAT consultancy services in Dubai to understand and timely file his VAT return. If you are a social media influencer and have any query related to VAT registration in UAE then feel free to call +971 4 4542366 today for a quality consultation or please send an inquiry to info[at]flyingcolour[dot]com.

To learn more about Influencers To Be Taxed For Free Gifts And Experiences Asserts UAE Tax Authority, book a free consultation with one of the Flyingcolour team advisors, simply call +971 4 4542366  or send WhatsApp messages to +971 554413566. you can also drop an email to info (at) flyingcolour (dot) com.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is based on our understanding of current tax laws and regulations. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional tax advice, consultation, or representation. The author and publisher are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for any actions taken based on the information contained in this blog.

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