Cash Burn Rate: Why Does it Matter?

April 13, 2022Dated:  | |

The fact that most startups fail due to cash flow issues demonstrates how often young enterprises overlook the importance of cash flow. Understanding burn rate is critical for identifying areas for improvement within your firm and planning for the future. Ignoring your burn rate is not an option, especially if you’re a funded business.

What is Cash Burn Rate?

The cash burn rate is the money you spend each month on day-to-day operations and sales growth. It is a rate that tells you the amount of your monthly expenditure, and the cash run rate calculates how much time you have left before you run out of cash.

Your burn rate is a metric that indicates how much cash you will regularly require to keep your firm running. If your cash burn rate is AED 25,000, your business needs AED 25,000 each month to fund your day-to-day operations.

Indications of a Cash Burn Rate

Investors look for startups with a low burn rate because it indicates that the startup is depleting its capital at a slower pace. It is a sign that the company has sufficient finances to sustain it till it generates a positive cash flow.

Companies with high capital burn rates are more prone to experience financial difficulties.

Calculations of Cash Burn Rate

In the investing community, two notions predominate fundamental understanding of a company’s expenditure demand and liquidity situation, cash burn rate and cash runway.

The cash burn rate formula is reasonably simple to calculate, mainly when provided with a company’s cash flow statement. You can calculate cash burn rates in gross and net cash burn rates. Let’s look at both to see how to calculate them.

Gross Cash Burn Rate

Gross cash burn is an entity’s overall operational expenses, and it is measured by adding all expenditures that seek to create sales. The operating costs will often comprise factory rent, direct pay, and other costs associated with carrying out the primary activity of the business. It will offer you how much money your company will need to accomplish your main business activity.

Net Cash Burn Rate

The net cash burn rate considers sales income and calculates the net burn rate by deducting all expenses from the month’s sales income.

Why Does Cash Burn Rate Matter?

  • The cash burn rate of a startup business is an indicator for investors to decide whether or not to invest in it.
  • It indicates whether the expenses incurred are yielding a positive cash flow.
  • The rate will help you calculate how much time you have until you run out of money to fund your business.
  • Businesses can use cash burn methodologies to compare their spending efficiency, producing costs per output.
  • Calculating the burn rate would be a great tool to set objectives and attempt to attain them for any startup or sick business unit that is not generating any cash inflow.


In the early phases of a funded firm, the burn rate might be an unsettling figure. Maintaining a low burn rate allows for all overheads to be compensated for and ensures consistent growth.

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